We are a group of enthusiastic doctors from different countries whose common purpose is the development of new therapies for floaters, their implementation in the daily activity in the clinic and the change of mentality regarding the treatment of floaters.
As the name says, floater are structures that are floating. They are clumps of different size, shape, consistency of collagen fiber (primary floaters) or cells(secondary floaters) that develop inside the vitreous and moves with the movements of the eye.
For nearly 30 years we have been using YAG lasers for the removal of posterior capsular opacification (after cataract) and densifications in the anterior portion of the vitreous humor. Laser Floater Treatment technology has made drastic changes over the years, making the treatment of strands and opacities in the vitreous humor more efficacious. Our panel of IOFS members will be discussing some of the technological advances that we currently use in our practices.
As the name says, floater are structures that are floating. They are clumps of different size, shape, consistency of collagen fiber (primary floaters) or cells(secondary floaters) that develop inside the vitreous and moves with the movements of the eye.